Step into confidence

Confidence is a practice.

Are you unconsciously holding yourself back from achieving more out of life?
Are you waiting for the right time and place? The right opportunity, the right partner?
It’s time to step into your future.
Confidence grows every time we venture beyond our comfort zones and embrace our unique gifts, strengths, and power. 

Enter the world of the WORDZ We Wear.

Our thoughts and our words shape our choices…which shape our lives.
Our minds don't differentiate between truth and fiction. They believe what they hear repeated over and over – which means our minds believe what we tell them.

So let’s change the message.

  • "Vera’s message is clear, powerful and actionable."

    – Giovanni Marsico, Founder/CEO, Archangel, EMMY® Award-Winning Producer

  • "I loved your talk – clear, relatable and makes us think again!!"

    -Dr. Julia Sen, Psychologist, Parenting Expert

  • "I felt like I instantly showed the world who I really was."

    -Kelsey Reidl, Visionary Life Podcaster, Business Mentor

  • "It was simple to work through, yet so powerful."

    -Stephanie Winger, Realtor, Vision Realty

We become the WORDZ we wear

Step into confidence with the WORDZ We Wear®

It’s time to embrace your unique talents and strengths. 

Confidence is a mindset.

We are who we think we are, and who we say we are ... imagine how we could transform our lives by intentionally choosing WORDZ that reflect how we want to show up. The WORDZ We Wear® programs help individuals and teams embrace their purpose, passion and possibilities, allowing us to feel seen, heard, and valued.

Learn More


Keynotes & Workshops



Testimonials on WORDZ We Wear

The team fed back that they could have listened to you all day (I agree). The Wordz We Wear workshop was the perfect team-building activity and encouraged the team to think, share and participate. You took an already amazing team and increased their confidence!

Maria DiIorio, Partner, bMod Communications

I felt like I instantly showed the world who I really was. Through Vera's training, I realized that I was hiding the best parts of me, and the character traits that are SO relatable to my clients.

Kelsey Reidl, Visionary Life Podcaster, Business Mentor

We clothe ourselves in roles and personas because we perceive that is what we need to do to find happiness and success but as I get older, I realize embracing who we really are is a much more solid foundation to move through life with confidence.

Margaret Whitney, Executive Director, Montessouri Academy

How can Vera help you?

Vera Milan Gervais shares the power of the WORDZ We Wear through keynotes, workshops, team-building, masterminds, books, and her blog.

Discover the WORDZ that resonate with your authentic self and step onto the path to confidence, leadership, and a life filled with purpose and passion.